There's a wealth of new research that indicates how wonderful learning to play an instrument can be for a person of any age. Playing an instrument can:
1. Develop fine motor skills
2. Improve cognitive abilities
3. Improve ability to focus
4. Increase confidence through development of a new skill
5. Foster creativity and imagination
6. Improve memory
7. Be Fun
So, learning an instrument can be good for you, but why piano? One of the attractions of the piano is the ability to play recognizable melodies very early in the learning process. Then with a little practice, both a melody and a harmony can be played simultaneously. The piano has an extremely large repertoire available from classical to jazz to the latest pop hits, so there is enough music to satisfy any musical preference and playing level. In addition to solo performance, the piano can be used as an ensemble instrument for piano duets, accompaniments for singers, orchestras, bands, and even nightclub entertainment.
However, ultimately the real reason to learn to play the piano or any instrument is because you want to learn how to perform and create music. You love music and want it to be a part of your life. Practicing, achieving a standard of performance, and satisfying your artistic side will then be immensely fulfilling.
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