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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Classical Music Streaming Services

Music streaming services have been inevitably creeping up on me. In the past, I used Itunes for many many years and it served me very well. I like the idea of owning music that no one can take away from me. I chose my music carefully, because I was choosing each piece for a price. Consequently, I have a lot of music that I have collected over many years in my Itunes library including many classical music performances that are my favorites. A small number of years ago, I started listening to Pandora with ads during workouts, while working in the kitchen making dinner, or driving in the car. I didn't mind the ads too much, it reminded me of old-time radio when you listened to free music with lots of ads. Pandora didn't have as many ads as old-time radio, so it seemed better to me. Obviously, I like free, so that's how I initially used music streaming services. I enjoyed choosing a music genre to listen to the new stuff. I thought of it as free music genre radio.

My family chose Spotify for me. My daughters used Spotify and my husband hated listening to the ads on Pandora. So, we got a family Spotify plan and now we all listen to Spotify as our music streaming service. My daughters have quite a few playlists on Spotify that they don't want to give up, so its hard for them to change music streaming apps. Spotify seems fine, it is nice to listen to music without ads, but there is a price and even with a family plan discount, it ratchets up our family budget. In the meantime, I still listen to some of my own music through Itunes (glad that still works on my phone, at least for now).
As a piano teacher, I love classical music (as well as many other styles of music), so I was very interested to read about the new classical music streaming services like Primephonic and Idagio in the New York Times. It seems like such a "cool" idea. As a listener, I personally notice a big difference between individual artist and orchestral performances. Some performances just seem better to me.  Also, when I start a new piano piece, I love to search out a number of different artist recordings of the same piece. I often find substantial differences in interpretation that help me understand how I want my version of the piece to sound. It would be very nice to be able to find all those versions in one classical music app and be able to call them up whenever I need them instead of buying ad-hoc versions on Amazon and Itunes or sifting through versions on YouTube.
Unfortunately, I really don't want to pay for yet another streaming service with monthly fees. I love the idea, but its just not quite practicable for me. I wish Idagio or Primephonic would offer a free version with ads, but they don't. So, even though I love the idea of a streaming classical music app, its not for me right now. I'm actually kind of hoping that Spotify will just improve its service so that this type of classical music choice is available within its platform, but that doesn't look imminent. So, I'm just going to go on my merry way for the moment with Spotify and ad-hoc classical music recordings. C'est La Vie.


  1. My understanding is most people believe Spotify will eventually get acquired. Music streaming is a commodity business, so if a streaming service is attached to a profitable one as a loss leader, it's very hard to compete. So Apple music and Amazon music will survive just fine, but Spotify stand alone may struggle even if it's probably the best one right now.

    But they'll probably keep the brand around, so it may not matter all that much. My family uses apple music, mostly since it's the default and a family plan doesn't cost that much, but in retrospect might have done Spotify.

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